Body language plays a great part in determining what people view us. While people don't always judge you by your appearance, your body language and posture can leave an impression about you silently. Sometimes, people use the wrong body language in the wrong place putting themselves in trouble, for example, seeming disinterested in a job interview, or looking too nervous in front of people. As it plays such an important role, one must know what confident body language is in all situations, to leave a better impression of who they are.

How to Be More Confident with Body Language
Head up!
You must keep your chin and head up if you want to appear as a confident person. Now this does not mean that you stick your nose up in the air because that would only make you look like you are too full of yourself - you should look down-to-earth-confident instead of diva-confident. This means you don't look down or up, but keep your chin at a level that makes your eye gaze on level with others.
Groom Yourself!
To look presentable is to be confident, because according to a sociological theory called "Looking Glass Theory", we develop the "self" based on how we feel that others perceive us. Having said this, you will subconsciously judge yourself, and knowing that you look good will give you a satisfied sense of self, which will make you confident in front of the other person.
Palms Up
How you use your hands are one of the most important parts of body language that portrays confidence when used in the correct manner. Research has established that when a person talks with their palms facing up, they are more likely telling the truth - and looking honest is another bonus to look confident. Especially when delivering a speech or addressing people, ensure that your hands move smoothly with this confident body language: palms up.
Hands Down
Many people mistakenly believe that having their hands in their pockets is a good signal of their confidence, but that is quite the contrary. Your hands must be visible at all times, not hidden, because hands in pockets would mean that either you are nervous, or you are too disinterested - and there is a difference between having an attitude and having confidence.
Focus the Eyes
Eyes are the first thing someone notices about you. When you talk to a person, look straight in your eyes to look confident, and if you find it awkward to stare in their eyes for too long, then look for two seconds at each spot: eyes, nose, and mouth.
Speak Better
When you finally start talking to a person, or a group of people, you must hear your own words as you speak them, and think before you speak them. For speaking confidently, speak with a variation in your tone, and add in some enthusiasm because that will make your speech convincing and attractive. More importantly, avoid repetitively using 'um' and 'like' in between your sentences.
Smile a Lot
A confident body language includes smile! Being confident does not limit you from being kind and comfortable for others. Instead, the more people are comfortable with you, the more confident you will appear to be to them. For this, smile when you meet people, smile when you're alone, and smile when you can. It is not only important for social interaction, but has various benefits for your health as well, like lowering stress levels.
The Handshake
Every person, whether man or woman, must have a confident handshake, rather than a limpy one. This does not mean that you use force or exert strength in a handshake, but simply shake your hand firmly while keeping an eye contact, and give their hand a slight 'pump'. With the perfect handshake, you will look confident even when you are not.
Quit Fidgeting
Do you have the tendency to bite your nails when you are nervous? Or move your foot? Or touch your face and play with your fingers? If yes, you are portraying an obvious shout-out that you are nervous, and that is the opposite of trying to look confident. What you can do to avoid fidgeting during important events like interviews, is to stand with both your feet firmly planted, or your hands in your lap, or any position that would hide your fidgeting or disable it.
Shoulders Back
As we have already focused a lot on posture in this list, another important part that many people miss in attaining a confident body language is that they don't keep their shoulders back and squared. Hunching or slumping your shoulders gives the viewer a message that you are either shy, conservative, or sad - which is not a healthy image to put forward, so keep your shoulders back which will naturally make your back straighter and your posture high.
Walk Confidently
By walking confidently, it is meant that you take bigger steps instead of small, baby steps. A firm stride shows that you know where you are going and that you know what you are doing, and smaller steps, on the contrary, show that you are unsure or indecisive. Have you seen how models walk? That is what a confident walk is.
Be Comfortable
Sitting on the edge of the chair or being too piled up in a corner of the room is a big no-no if you want to appear as a confident person. Instead, open up. Be comfortable where ever you are sitting or standing. Take space freely and be at ease, but do not be too open or too close - be easy to talk to. Sit back on your chair, and stand wide and firm.
Cross Your Fingers
When you sit at a table or stand behind a desk, you are in a position of authority and have to maintain that image to your audience, which you can achieve through positive confidence. Put both your hands on the desk in front of you and cross all the fingers of your one hand into the other's, which is known as "steeple", to show your confidence.
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