Among all the humanly emotions, love is the most divine. But the end of this emotion is always a combination of aggression, hurt and disappointment. And if the break up was caused by a deliberate cheating or avoidance, the pain is even more intense. Our heart would crave for revenge. Well, that’s natural, everyone would feel so. After all, we are normal human beings, and not saints. So, if you are thinking of how to get back at your ex-girlfriend, here are the best ways to do it.

Sweet Revenge
Though you may be okay with the break up, you may still have a feeling that she dumped you. The feeling of being fooled would create a bit of discomfort in the mind. This is common with everyone, and the situation might get worse if this emotion starts growing inside. Then this could be tackles: a slight revenge could ease off the situation. The first step towards this is gaining confidence, so that you have a better outlook on yourself. Live well and all your frustrations will start disappearing.
So boys, if you are heartbroken, don’t waste your time cuddling all the nonsense emotions. Get up, start living and live better. The people who scorned at you will start envying your life and personality. And girls are more envious than men, which makes it the most effective payback.
Build up some muscles: Join a gym and get in shape again. The next time you see your ex, she would wonder how sexy you have become. You would start attracting more women so that you feel more proud. And physical activities are considered to take away all the stress and frustration.
Brush up your personality: Now, it’s time to fine-tune your personality. Take some trips to spiritual location, get involved with some volunteer services and spend more time with your family. While being in relationship, you might have missed your friends and family a lot. And this is the best opportunity to enhance those relationships. Moreover, you feel much better when you spend time with your close ones.
Get more girl friends: Try to widen your friendship circle, get to know more people and surround yourself with more women. And there are many reasons to have more women around you. For instance, you will look more attractive with more women around you, so that other women will feel attracted to you. Secondly, this would protect you from developing hatred towards woman as a whole. And finally, you have a lot of women to choose from. How to get back at your ex-girlfriend? Find a new one better that her!
Prosper in your profession: Work hard, enhance your professional skills and be successful in your profession or workplace. The more wealthy and popular you are, the more girls would fall for you. And imagine your ex watching your advancements enviously, with her new dump boyfriend. Nothing could be more satisfying than such a sweet payback.
Let her know: Well, while making all these developments, make sure that she knows all these. But don’t be too aggressive, do it in a sweet manner. Try to be friendly with her friends and family, let them know all the news. And her family and friends will always remind her of the great mistake she have done. Gradually she would feel irritated with her close ones too.
Revenge by Prank
Well, you may feel that gentle revenge takes more time and patience. So, if you are looking for a quick and more aggressive means, this is how to get back at your ex-girlfriend, with these advanced tricks…haha. But these tricks may be a bit extreme. You have to try this at your own risk.
Date one of her friends: Yeah, by dating one her close friends, you are pulling them away. You are making her lose another friend by doing so. Moreover, girls are quick to start fall outs. And you don’t have to do anything, just start dating her friend and watch what all dramas happens in between. It will be a good entertainment too, as you can’t even imagine what all funny stuff would come up.
Make use of her number: Well, you can make use of her phone number to prank her. But make sure that you don’t make any serious trouble, because this might get worst if not executed carefully. Okay try the following: log in to a lesbian dating site and register her number with her name and a photo. But before that, make sure that she is not a lesbian..LOL. By the way, don’t forget to mention her pet name while adding details to the site. Let her know that you did this.
Subscribe her to porn magazines: Subscribe to some porn or other adult magazines mentioning her name and address. Or you may even try her neighbor’s address, so that the magazines are delivered to her neighbors address, but still with her own name. Imagine her neighbor passing her the magazine and telling her the error in subscription address, and all her efforts to convince the neighbor. Nothing could be funnier than this.
Sign her up for spam: Use her phone number or email address and sign her up for all the credit card, life insurance or other business spam sites. Every day she will be annoyed by the calls and mail from companies asking to try their insurance or credit card plans. This would sound a bit mild, but it would really annoy her.
Hack her Facebook account: Okay, having had a long term relationship, you might know her Facebook password. Hack her account and post weird and funny images on her account. This is a great opportunity to reach all her friends and family. Make use of it and let them know her real nature. You can even post the screenshots of your chats with her. So now do you make sure how to get back at your ex-girlfriend?
Maybe you can learn more tricks from the video below!
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