You have knee hyperextension if your knee moves backwards, more than its normal straightened position, whenever you put excessive pressure on it. A hyperextended knee can cause bruising, pain, and swelling. You need to take plenty of rest, keep your leg elevated, and apply cold packs for quick recovery. At the same time, you can try hyperextended knee exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles around your knee joint, helping your knee return to its original level of strength. Let's find out how to perform specific exercises.

Recommended Hyperextended Knee Exercises

Before you start doing any of the suggested exercises, it is important to consult your doctor first. You should not do any exercise for the first few weeks after you sustain a knee injury. Take plenty of rest instead. Wait for your injury to heal first and then perform strengthening exercises. Here are some of the exercises you can do to promote stability and strength in your knee.

Straight Leg Raises

Get down on the floor with your affected leg straight and the other leg bent at 30 degrees. Tighten your abs and lift your injured leg off the ground – just do not go beyond a 45-degree angle. Hold your knee in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Do 10 reps.


Quarter Squats

The exercise not only targets the knee itself but also strengthens all the muscles that support your knee.

Stand close to a chair, place your hands on its back, and bend your knees slightly. Slowly, lower your body while keeping your back straight all the time. Ensure that your knees do not move past your toes and then return to the starting position. Do not go deeper if you feel any pain in your knee. You can perform these squats on one leg only once you gain some strength.


Forward Step-Ups

It is one of the best hyperextended knee exercises to increase range of motion in the knee.

Stand close to a stool or a short chair with your knees slightly bent and arms hanging at your sides. Bend at the knee to lift your affected leg up and place your foot on the chair. Press with your leg on to the chair and ensure you do not let your knee go past your toes. Now, lift your other leg as well and place it on the chair. Return to the original position. That is one rep. Repeat until fatigues.


Hamstrings Strengthening Exercise

The exercise targets your hamstrings and also adds some flexibility to the muscles around your injured knee.

Start by lying on your stomach with your arms at your sides and legs extended. Slowly, bend your affected leg back until there is some pressure in your knee area. Maintain this position for a couple seconds and then return to the original starting position. Ensure that you also feel a degree of tightness in your hamstrings as you perform this exercise.


Ride a Stationary Exercise Bike

A very good exercise to strengthen your hyperextended knee is to ride a stationary exercise bike. It adds strength to your leg muscles and improves flexibility as well.

In the beginning, you should only ride for a few minutes only. Ensure that you start without any tension. As your body becomes used to the exercise, you can increase tension levels and duration.


Try Isometrics

You can rely on isometrics because they target specific muscles and do not require a lot of mobility during the exercise. 

Simply lie down on the floor and then tighten different muscles in your leg. You should be tightening your thigh muscles, buttocks, hamstrings, and calves. Hold this tightened up position for a few seconds and then move on to the next muscle group. Repeat several times a day to develop strength.


Exercise in Water

Taking about hyperextended knee exercises, this one should not be forgot. Thanks to the water's buoyancy, you will feel enough resistance while doing water-based exercises that will strengthen your knee and surrounding muscles. The great thing about water-based exercises is that they are not very hard on your knee joint.

Get into the pool – ensure the water is only up to your waist. Now, bend your knees as if you are sitting in a chair. Keep your back straight, against the side of the pool and thighs parallel to the ground. Place your arms and palms against the wall of the pool and slowly lift your affected leg up about 12 inches. Ensure that you keep your back immobile all the time. Slowly, move your lifted leg across your body and begin a leg circle. Take a deep breath when you begin the circling motion. Complete five circles and then exhale while returning to the starting position.


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