PMS or premenstrual syndrome is expected when you know your period will be coming, which can include engorgement or breast pain. This breast pain is typically brought on because of ovulation and is also common during the early stages of pregnancy because of high progesterone levels. While most women will only experience this pain before their period, some will continue to feel pain throughout the menstruation period and even after their period has finished. Since you just had your period, it is unlikely that the breast pain is because of pregnancy, then what could be the cause of sore breasts after your period? Keep reading to find that out.

What Causes Sore Breasts After Period?

While sore breasts are common before periods, there are some factors that can cause sore breast to persist during and even after periods.

Frist of all, certain foods or drugs can cause or worsen the problem, such as:

  • Caffeine and Methylxanthine. Consuming too much of these two components can cause blood vessels in the breast to dilate, which in turn will cause distention and pain to the breast area.

  • Salt-Rich Foods. Salt causes water retention which can be the cause of breast pain because the tissues of the breast become strained as more water is retained in the body.

  • Fatty Food. It isn't quite clear why eating more animal fat can cause breast pain to increase, but some suggest that this is because of the hormones being consumed from the animal.

  • Dairy Products. If you are experiencing increases breast pain during or after your periods, it could be caused from an allergic reaction to some components found in dairy products.

Other causes for sore breasts can include:

  • Birth Control Pill. Some forms of birth control pills can contain additives that the body does not need, which can make women more sensitive and can cause sore breasts after period.

  • Hormonal Changes. As you near the age of menopause, the estrogen and progesterone levels will become unbalanced which can in turn cause an increase in breast tenderness.

  • Stress. Stress can accountant for a number of changes in the body, includeing breast soreness.

  • Need More Support. The kind of bra you wear can be causing the pain in your breast, especially if you work out regularly. The type of bra you wear during your workouts can cause chafing of the nipples. If you experience breast pain after a workout, it could simply mean you need better support from your bra before you hit the gym.

  • Allergies. The detergent, lotion, or shower gel you use could cause your nipples to become dry and itchy. If you have recently changed up any of your hygiene products and have since started experiencing an increase in breast pain, then you might want to take a look at the products you are using to find out what should be causing a mild allergic reaction. The nipples are one of the most sensitive areas of the body, so an allergic reaction would be first noticeable with them, which could be the cause of sore breasts after period.

  • Medication. Aside from birth control pill; anti-nausea and hyperthyroidism medication can cause tenderness in the breasts and nipples. Drugs like Anadrol, diuretics, chlorpromazine, Aldactone and Aldomet as well as certain antidepressants can cause the breast to become more sensitive.

Should you be concerned with your breast pain?

While in most cases, increased breast tenderness isn't something to become too concerned about, there are some instances where this can be the result of a more serious medical condition. Internal itchiness or irritation that feels like it is below the skin's surface, discharge or crusting of the nipples not due to pregnancy or breastfeeding, nipple inversions, lumps or bumps, texture of the skin on the breast changes can all be a side effect of certain cancers.

How to Deal With Sore Breasts After Period

There are a number of ways you can find relief from your sore breast, including:

  • Applying primrose oil to the nipples or taking a supplement of primrose oil.

  • Taking a vitamin E supplement to help reduce pain and inflammation in the breast area.

  • Applying topical iodine to the breast like Advil creams.

  • Using castor oil pack on sore breast after period by soaking a piece of cloth in castor oil and laying down with the cloth on the breasts for 20 minutes.

  • Change in the bras while working out. Try on a variety of styles and fabrics while moving around in the fitting rooms to ensure comfort and the right fit.

  • Use non-fragrance detergents and lotions to reduce the risk of allergic reactions to lotions and gels.


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