As one of the most favorite fruits available, apples are native to Central Asia, and they have become a popular fruit grown around the world all year round. It is not just their sweet and sometimes tart flavor that makes them so good, apples are packed with a number of nutrients. From fiber and vitamin C to antioxidants, they provide individuals with a variety of healthy benefits as well. While they are good for, you may be wonder just which category will give you the most benefits. Here you will learn which is better for you when it comes to green apples vs. red apples.

Choose Between Green Apples and Red Apple?
What is the difference?
Carbohydrates. Green apples have less carbohydrate than red apples. While red apples have over 15 grams of carbohydrates, green apples have less just under 15. While the difference is very small, it is something to keep in mind when you are trying to stick with the Dietary Guidelines that suggest 45% of your daily calories come from carbs.
Sugar. Apples are a great way to fight diabetes because of their sugar content, but green apples tend to have a lower amount of sugar content. That's why most green apples tend to be tart such as Granny Smith apples, where red apples, like Red Delicious, have a sweeter taste.
Chemicals in skin. The skin of the apples tends to have a number of different chemicals depending on where they are shipped from. But red apples will have anthocyanins and green apples will not. The amount of anthocyanin found in the skin of red apples will vary because the gene is moved around through being cross bred.
What do they have in common?
While red and green apples have a few differences, they are more alike than different. They are both healthy for you and provide a number of benefits, making them a great addition to any diet. When comparing green apples vs. red apples, they are fairly equal at providing you with the following benefits.
Whiter, stronger teeth. Eating apples can help reduce your risk of tooth decay and lower the amount of bacteria found in the mouth. This is because chewing an apple produces more saliva in your mouth that helps rid bacteria from the teeth.
Improves digestion. Apples contain a high amount of fiber which promotes bowel movement. Eating apples can reduce the chance of constipation and other stomach issues. Besides, the fiber adds bulk to stool, allowing it to pass more easily through the digestive tract.
Reduces the risk of cancer. Regularly consuming apples can help reduce the risk of colon, liver and breast cancer. The peel of the apples contains a potent anti-growth compound known as triterpenoids, which fights against cancer cells. They are also rich in flavoring which has been shown to help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Reduces high cholesterol. The soluble fiber found in apples can help reduce cholesterol levels. This fiber binds with the fat found in the intestines which lowers the cholesterol levels in the body.
Helps weight control. Fiber-rich diets are highly recommended to those who are at a higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes which is common illnesses among those who are overweight. Apples provide a high amount of fiber which keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time which can help you cut out unnecessary calories from your diet.
Healthy heart. When comparing green apples vs. red apples, both are incredibly healthy for the heart. As mentioned, the high amount of soluble fiber that reduces cholesterol also slows down the buildup of plaque in the arteries. The skins also contain a phenolic compound that prevents cholesterol from solidifying on the artery walls.
Detoxes the liver. The liver is responsible for removing the toxins you consume on a regular basis, but the liver also needs to detox. Eating apples can help detox the liver, because of the fiber, minerals, vitamins and beneficial phytochemicals like flavonoids and terpenoids, making it function and continue to work properly.
Respiratory benefits. A number of respiratory issues such as asthma are the result of inflammation of membranes and cells in the respiratory system. Apples have a number of anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the inflammation that leads to serious respiratory conditions.
Better eyesight. The flavonoid compounds and antioxidant phytonutrients have been shown to help improve eyesight and strengthen the eyes. They can help treat night blindness, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts.
Helps prevent Alzheimer disease. Adding apples or organic apple juice to your diet can help reduce the aging effects of the brain. The antioxidants and phytonutrient compounds help fight off the free radicals that speed up the aging process of the brain which can lead to Alzheimer’s.
Reduces the risk of diabetes. Individuals who consume apples, especially women, are almost 30% less likely to develop diabetes. When compared, green apples vs. red apples, both contain high amounts of fiber which is a key component to helping curb sweet cravings that can have a negative effect on the glucose levels.
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