Pregnancy is a time when great physical change takes place in a woman’s body. Unfortunately no bells ring or whistles blow when conception takes place so it is very likely that you would not even feel or realize the exact moment when conception has happened. Conception happens when the egg is fertilized by a sperm in the fallopian tube and it requires another 6 days for this fertilized egg to enter the uterus. It may require another 6 days for the newly conceived baby to embed in the uterine lining and begin its interaction with your body. Once the zygote or the fertilized egg is fully implanted into the uterus, release of a hormone referred to as HCG or human gonadotrophin hormone is detected in the blood.

Signs and Symptoms of Conception
A stained underwear
When the embryo tries to embed itself into the wall of the uterus, it may cause some of its cells to shed off along with some blood. Hence, a woman may notice certain type of brown or pinkish stain in her underpants around six to twelve days after she ovulated. Such a stain may be accompanied by lower abdominal cramps that may be as severe as that occur during menses. Hence, this symptom of conception may be confused with the onset of periods.
Uneasy breasts
The various signs and symptoms are all in accordance with the massive hormonal changes that happen post to the formation of an embryo. Female breasts are subjected to changes when any sort of twist occurs in the production of female hormones. An embryo incites a surge in progesterone, to which the breasts respond by growing massively. Hence, symptoms of conception may include uneasy or tender busts during the early weeks (around third or fourth week). The nipples may also darken unusually.
A missed period
Skipping a period once in a while is no big deal in most of the cases. But if that takes place after recent unprotected sex, it may then mark the possibility of presence of an embryo in the uterus. Most women ovulate on the 14th day, and so, they tend to conceive in the time around this day. Hence, if after conceiving, the periods that were due 2 weeks later did not happen, suspicions should take place and confirmatory tests must be approached.
Bloating during early pregnancy is caused due to thickened endometrial lining which occurs in response to increased hormones. Hence, a missed period along with bloating and staining after recent conception may indicate the possibility of a pregnancy.
Unusual fatigue
Usually, hormonal surges that occur at the time of ovulation or just before the onset of menses produce tiredness and fatigue in a woman. But unusual fatigue after conception may be highly indicative of a pregnancy. Many women may not notice this symptom until their period is due.
As it is mentioned before that cramping can occur along with staining, and most women mistake it for ovulation. However, cramping also occurs when the embryo is embedding itself in the endometrial lining.
Groans and moans are as much indicative of the possibility of a pregnancy as they are for menses. Backache may be among the earliest symptoms of conception. Backache may occur due to the hormones acting on the ligaments of the back so as to make them flexible. This is an important step in the process of creating room for the fetus to grow and develop.
Exaggerated PMS scenario
PMS is accompanied by a sequel of annoying symptoms. Now imagine all of these signs happening at a severity rate of two to three fold. Such a thing is indicative of presence of a pregnancy if you have unprotected sex recently. Every PMS symptoms occur at an exaggerated rate due to the enormous production of hormones that are needed to support the embryo.
Morning sickness
Every woman who wishes to get pregnant or have been pregnant before, fears this symptom of conception greatly. Morning sickness is highly suggestive of pregnancy. Though it is termed as 'morning sickness', it may be experienced all through the day. Such of symptom of conception may occur during the second to fourth week.
Headache is quite an invariable sign. It may occur at any time and owing to several reasons. However, in pregnancy, headache happens because the pregnancy hormones stimulate greater blood flow to the brain. Hence, frequent mild headaches may also be counted as one of the symptoms of conception.
A woman's body develops cravings at random times, and mostly as a consequence of PMS. However, cravings can also happen when there is an embryo in the uterus, igniting the need in the mother's body to eat for more energy.
Mood swings
Mood swings are not an unusual feature in women. However, they tend to occur more during the first trimester of pregnancy, making the mother-to-be weepy and emotional most of the time invariably.
Softened cervix
As the pregnancy proceeds, hormones make the structures surrounding the uterus more flexible so as to accommodate the growing fetus. Such a change may also be noticed in the cervix, where upon examination, it appears to be softer than usual. A softened cervix is a reliable indicator of a positive pregnancy.
What to do After You Notice Symptoms of Conception?
Conception symptoms are highly different among every individual. However, none of them can confirm pregnancy up to a hundred percent. Hence, certain pregnancy tests should be established to avoid making an error. Wait till your period is one week late to make a confirmed pregnancy test. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that surges in the body of a woman only when her uterus is holding an embryo. This hormone is present in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and can be detected in blood via a simple blood test (which is more accurate), or in the urine by means of a pregnancy test strip.
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