If you experience bloating and weight gain at the same time, you should consult your doctor and notify them of any medication you are taking or a recent change in your diet. There are a number of factors that can contribute to feeling more bloated as well as gaining weight and this article will discuss just that to help you know when to worry and when not.

What Causes Weight Gain and Bloating?



A number of medications can cause the body to retain water which can result in feeling more bloated. When weight gain is accompanied with this bloating, it is typically due to excess fluid, swelling, or edema. Antidepressants, steroids, tranquilizers and lithium are the most common medications that can cause weight gain and bloating as a side effect.


Women's Issues

Many women will often notice weight gain just prior to their cycle starting as well as back pain, mood changes, a difference in appetite and headaches. Women who are pregnant will also experience extra bloating and would be gaining about two pounds a week. Gaining weight rapidly while pregnant can be a sign of pregnancy-induced high blood pressure or preeclampsia.



More commonly known as the stomach flu, gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection that causes the intestines and stomach to become inflamed and irritated. Aside from feeling bloating, you can also experience vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, fever, headache, dehydration and nausea. There are a number of bacteria that can cause gastroenteritis from mild bacteria to more severe ones like salmonella and E. coli. There are various medications that can be taken to recover from the stomach flu, but it is vital to get plenty of rest and to stay well hydrated.



There are many reasons one can suffer from constipation where it becomes difficult to have regular bowel movements. While it is not serious in most cases, it can be a warning sign of a more serious health issue. You can take stool softeners to help pass the stole more easily as well as eating bran cereals and increase your fruit, vegetables, and water intake.



While many believe that you only get parasites from traveling to foreign lands, you can actually contract parasites from pets, food or the water you drink on regular basis. Parasites are hard to detach and along with bloating and weight gain, you can also experience sugar cravings, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, pain in the joints, fatigue, digestive issues and mood disturbances. The only way to be certain you do have a parasite is through multiple tests from your doctor.



Gallstones can seem harmless, but since they rarely give any symptoms, they can cause more serious health complications when left untreated for too long. Gallstones occur when there is too much cholesterol or bilirubin in the bile. They can cause blockages in the digestive ducts which can result in intense abdominal pain. The block can make you feel more bloated and even cause you to gain weight because the bile in your body is not being emptied completely.



This type of intestinal infection is typically caused by the giardia parasite which is contracted from drinking contaminated water. Aside from feeling bloating, other signs of this infection can include fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, abdominal pain and excess gas. The most common treatment for giardiasis is through anti-parasitic drugs or taking certain antibiotics.



When the body does not produce enough thyroid hormones, this can have a negative effect on the body including the heart rate, the metabolism and body temperature. Bloating and weight gain are just two of the warnings signs of hypothyroidism. Women have a higher risk of hypothyroidism than men and this increases as they get older. In the early stages, this condition can be undetectable but as it progresses, severe complication can occur. Heart disease, obesity, painful joints and fertility issues can all result from an underactive thyroid.


Type II Diabetes

Type II diabetes occurs when the body does not properly use the insulin to keep the blood sugar in balance. This results in the sugar levels to rise above normal, which can present symptoms that are mild and often unnoticeable. Excessive thirst, impaired vision, mood swings, numbness of the hands or feet, continuous yeast infections can all be subtle signs of type II diabetes.


Small Intestine Cancer

While it is rare, there are five different types of cancers that can affect the small intestines. Typically blood in the stool, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, dark stool and a lump in the abdomen are the most common symptoms of this kind of cancer.


Heart Failure

When the heart is unable to function properly, it can not pump adequate blood throughout the body, which can cause fluid retention. This fluid can cause one to become short of breath, have swelling feet and abdomen, as well rapid weight gain. Other symptoms like coughing, trouble sleeping, fatigue, loss of appetite and heart palpitations will also be apparent.


Other Causes

  • Eating more than you typically eat will obviously result in weight gain. People tend to consume more around the holidays.

  • Bloating and weight gain can also be the result of feeling depressed or extra anxiety.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal change that can cause individuals to gain weight rapidly and cause excess bloating.


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