In some parts of the world, burping is a welcomed bodily function which gives compliments to the chef after a hearty meal. And while burping is completely normal, for pregnant women, it can occur more often and more intensely. So what can cause this to happen? Are there ways you can control burping during pregnancy? This article will take a look at just that.

What Causes Burping While Pregnancy?

Burping is typically the result of buildup gas in the stomach. Swallowing air or the way certain foods are broken down can cause this air to build up in the stomach. When pregnant, this gas buildup usually accompanies morning sickness as well. Heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, feeling bloated or feeling a lump in your throat are also symptoms you might find yourself experience with excess burping while you are pregnant. Pregnant women tend to feel more gassy and burping towards the end of the first trimester. This is because morning sickness tends to reach its height around month 2 and 3 in the pregnancy.

What Makes Burping So Common While Pregnant?

There are a few reasons as to why pregnant women tend to burp more than they are used to. 

  • First, morning sickness, as discussed above, causes the digestive system to slow down because of the hormone progesterone. When your digestive system slows down, more gas tends to gather and build up in the gut. This buildup results in burping or flatulence.

  • Second, most pregnant women will eat more food because of the morning sickness which leads to accidentally swallowing more air. Also, women who suffer from nausea spells will also swallow more air because they tend to swallow more of their own saliva as a way to relieve the nausea.

  • Third, changing hormone balance is a reason why many women experience burping during pregnancy. The body may shift into a “fight or flight” response due to the stress of adapting a new lifestyle pattern from being pregnant. This response causes most women to feel as if they have a lump in their throat, which in turn cause women to unconsciously swallow more air to relieve this feeling.

How to Minimize Burping While Pregnancy

Eat Smaller Meals Frequently

Eating three large meals a day can cause you to feel more bloated and increase the gas in your stomach. Try to space out six smaller meals evenly throughout the day with the last small meal being about three hours prior to bedtime. This can help combat some morning sickness and will reduce the feeling of nausea because there is always a little food in the system.

Eat Balanced Meals

Each of your small meals should include a lean protein, fruit or vegetable and a complex carbohydrate. The lean protein will add nutrients your body needs without causing excess gas. These balanced meals will also ensure you get the proper vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients your body needs without eating too much of the foods that can increase your gas buildup.

Drink More Water

Water is vital for everyone but even more for women who are pregnant. Since the muscles relax when you are pregnant, causing the digestion system to slow. So you will need extra water to help flush out the gas that can become stuck in your system. Burping during pregnancy can be reduced with the proper amount of water intake, typically 64 or more ounces a day, which can also keep the body hydrated and help prevent water retention.

Slow Down When You Eat

Eating too fast will cause you swallow more air, adding to the gas buildup. It is also a sign of stress which can increase the amount of gas your body produces. To reduce the amount of air you swallow, sit up straight when you eat and chew slowing. Try to avoid talking when you eat as well, as this often causes people to hurry through their meals.


Tension and anxiety can increase burping and gas buildup, thus meditation is an easy way to help you relax and stay calm. Not only will you feel more relaxed, but you also help keep your breathing under control which can reduce the extra air you swallow.

Include Daily Exercise

Going for a brief walk after your meals can help move the food along in your system and break up the gas that can be trapped. Exercising regularly also aids in releasing hormones, digestive juices, enzymes and stomach acid which can reduce burping. There are a wide variety of exercises you can do while you're pregnant, but what you can do will depend on your individual health. It is always recommended you speak to your doctor when choosing the right type of exercise for you while pregnant.

Sleep More

Getting a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night is vital for pregnant women. Burping during pregnancy can be reduced with the proper amount of sleep because it helps minimize some of the pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and nausea. Sleeping on your left side with the legs bent and tucked is the best position because it helps the digestive tract perform better.

When Should You Consult a Doctor?

Burping is often the result of morning sickness, but if it gets to a point where you are not eating normally or enough, you will want to talk to your doctor. Your doctor should be able to offer some form of relief so that you and your baby stay healthy through the pregnancy.


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