You don't have to be a professional singer to want to sing better. While professionals are always looking for ways to improve their voices by either increasing their range, staying on key or simple to reduce the notice of any nasal congestion, you too can better your singing voice. Whether you sing with a band or just in your car along with the radio, if you've ever asked how to make your singing voice better, you'll want to read on to learn how.

Want to Make Your Singing Voice Better?
Improve Your Posture
Because the breath needs to travel from the lungs and out your mouth, poor posture can restrict the airflow. When you sing and you are not standing tall, you won't sound your best. When singing, you should stand with the legs about shoulder length apart. Lift the chest to expand the lungs with the shoulders relaxed and stretched to the back. This will help increase the airflow, giving your voice more power.
Train Your Breathing Muscles
Being able to breath correctly can make all the difference to your singing voice. You want to keep your breathing natural using your stomach while inhaling and exhaling. As you get older, your breathing changes and becomes more unnatural, you will need to practice singing while breathing correctly to improve your voice.
Drink More Water
Water is vital to your health and has a major impact on your singing voice as well. The mucous membranes help you sing function at their best when you keep the rest of your body properly hydrated. Drinking at least eight glasses of water every day will help you increase your range as well as eliminate any nasal sounds.
Stay Within Your Range
If you have tried to sing a note that you can't quite reach, you may notice your body react in a painful way. When you are singing, you should never feel discomfort and if you are, this is a clear sign that you are doing something wrong. If you are straining while you sing, it is mostly likely due to not having enough air to support your voice. How to make your singing voice better requires staying in your range first. Your voice may only be able to reach a certain number of notes and pushing yourself to reach those not in your range can only damage your vocal cords.
Where to Place the Tongue
Where your tongue is can have an impact on how well you sing. The tongue should be forward with the tip touching the bottom of the teeth. With your tongue in this
If you want to sound better when you sing, you need to make sure you are enunciating your words clearly. Each syllable should be clear and easy to understand. While not every syllable has to be crisp for every song you sing, it should be done intentionally and expressed the way you intend the words to be expressed.
Be Consistent
You want to ensure your voice sounds good when hitting all the notes, not just some of them. To improve your singing voice, you want to make sure you are singing consistently through the entire song. You don't want to mumble a verse, then hit a powerhouse note, and then return to mumbling. Be consistent and you will greatly improve your voice.
Stay Relaxed
When you are tense, you restrict the air that comes through your mouth, making your voice sound strained and weak. The more relaxed you are when you sing, the better your voice will sound.
How to make your singing voice better involves listening. You need to be able to hear you own pitch, adjust your tone, keep your volume balanced and be able to hear the band or other singers. Singing isn't just about how strong your voice is, but also about how well you listen to when you need to make
Don't Skip the Warm Up
Before you begin to sing you should always warm up your vocals. Gradually warm the vocals up and slowly increase the intensity. If you are planning on a long singing session, start off with something easy before you move onto a more demanding song.
Know How to Control the Larynx
You may notice that when you are having a casual conversation, your larynx is relaxed and tends to remain in one stable position. When you sing, however, the larynx will move up and down a lot more. Where the larynx is positioned can have an effect on your singing voice. When it is lower, you will hear a deeper dark tone; when it is higher, you should hear a brighter tone.
Remember to Smile
If you are trying to hit higher notes, you want to remember to smile. Smiling while you sing will help open the mouth more which in turn will increase the airflow. This simple trick can help you reach higher pitches while you sing.
Love the Sound of Your Voice
One of the best ways to improve your voice is to learn to love the fact that it sounds different. Listen to recordings of you singing and while there may be things to improve, love what you hear. All good singers love their voices and are aware of what makes their voice different from any other.
How to make your singing voice better will involve a lot of practice. It doesn't matter when you sing, just sing often. The more you practice, the stronger your vocal chords will be and you will become more aware of your pitch,
Don't Forget to Cool Down
Just as you warmed up your vocal chords, you want to properly cool them down. Take about five minutes after you are done signing to cool down. It will help protect your voice as well.
You can also watch the video below to learn tricks quickly.
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