During the first trimester of pregnancy, morning sickness is a common occurrence that many women suffer from. While this can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, it tends to subside as women move into the second trimester. Unfortunately for a few women, this morning sickness doesn't end after the first trimester, and can even continue throughout the entire pregnancy or return during the last few months of the pregnancy. If you are suffering from morning sickness third trimester, you might be wondering what is causing it or even concerned. This article will help you feel a little relief from this pregnancy symptom.

What Causes Morning Sickness in Third Trimester?



Heartburn, acid reflux or just reflux is extremely common during the third trimester. This occurs when stomach acid rising up through the esophagus causing a burning sensation in the chest, throat, and mouth as well as gives off a sour taste.


Morning Sickness

From limited space for the internal organs to the increase in hormones and body temperature, there are a number of reasons why women will feel nausea in the third trimester. While it is typically not a concern, morning sickness can lead to dehydration and malnutrition.



Preeclampsia becomes apparent after the twentieth week of pregnancy and can result in death of the mother and child. High blood pressure and protein in the urine are two of the most common symptoms of Preeclampsia which can cause kidney damage, liver failure, blood clots, fluid in lungs, stroke, and seizures. If you notice swelling of the face, pain in the abdomen, major headaches, or blurred vision along with your morning sickness, this could be a sign of Preeclampsia.



If you also have an increase of vaginal discharge, cramps, backache, diarrhea, pelvic pressure and contraction that are less than ten minutes apart along with nausea, you might be going into labor. Nausea without other symptoms is not a good indication of labor, though.


Baby's Growth

In the third trimester, the uterus tends to grow a great deal, resulting in the organs becoming more compressed and squeezed. This limited space as the baby continues to grow can cause morning sickness third trimester.


Large Meals

The stomach is just one of the organs that become compressed during the third trimester which means there is less space available for meals. So eating larger meals can cause nausea or morning sickness because the stomach can not hold large quantities of food.

Will Morning Sickness in Third Trimester Affect My Baby?

Morning sickness isn't often a concern even during the third trimester unless the mother becomes dehydrated or is not getting the proper nutrients. If the morning sickness is severe enough where it hinders the baby's growth or the mother becomes malnourished, then it does usually have an effect on the baby and mother.

How to Relieve Morning Sickness in Third Trimester

Change in Lifestyle

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently instead of larger meals three times a day. Break your meals up to six meals spread out throughout the day.

  • To help reduce heartburn related morning sickness, avoid eating anything right before bed.

  • Avoid spicy foods and other spices that can trigger heartburn.

  • Try to eliminate or reduce the amount of caffeine you consume.

  • Exercise regularly but consult your doctor for the best exercise you should be doing.

  • Go to sleep a decent hour and allow yourself time to rest for an hour during the day.

  • Increase your water intake if you do experience nausea, vomiting or morning sickness third trimester to avoid being dehydrated.

Natural Remedies

  • Ginger can help reduce nausea associated with morning sickness. You can brew it as a tea or take it as a capsule, but you should avoid consuming ginger if you are on blood thinner medications.

  • Peppermint taken as a cold tea can help relieve nausea. If your morning sickness or nausea is accompanied with feeling hot or sweating, then peppermint tea can give you cooling relief.

  • Lemon tea, chamomile tea, slippery elm lozenges and other herbs can help relieve nausea. Check with your doctor first to ensure these herbs will not interfere with any other medications.

  • Acupressure bands on the wrists or even acupuncture can help relieve nausea or morning sickness during the third trimester.

  • Vitamin B6 can also be used to help get control over your nausea, but again, check with your doctor before taking any kind of supplements.

  • Try to distract yourself when you begin to feel nausea by playing some light music.

When to See a Doctor

While morning sickness during the third trimester is not an immediate cause for concern, but be aware if your morning sickness occurs with any of these:

  • Swelling of the face, arms or legs.

  • Diarrhea.

  • Cramping.

  • Contractions.

  • Headaches.

  • Blurred vision.

  • Fever.

  • Blood in vomit.

When additional symptoms occur with your morning sickness, this could be an indication of gastro bug, stomach virus, food poisoning, infections, Preeclampsia, or labor. Certain infections can cause women to go into labor which can be an issue if this occurs too early in the third trimester. Morning sickness third trimester along with these additional symptoms will require you to seek immediate medical attention.


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