It’s given that girls love being complimented. What most people do not know is that men love being complimented too. Complimenting a guy can go a long way when it comes to building and sustaining a relationship.

If you are looking for a way to express your feelings for them without necessarily using the three magic words, this article is for you. Learn about compliments for guys that are sure to leave him with a huge grin and thoughts of you all day long.

Why You Should Compliment Guys

When you are complimented, you feel special and happy about yourself. This is a universal feeling for both genders. Compliments are especially profound for men because, unlike their female counterparts, they hardly get compliments. Men too crave for compliments, especially from their loved ones. When you compliment a guy, you build their self-esteem and boost their ego, which is quite important for them.

Easy Compliments for Guys that'll Touch Them


Thank/Appreciate Them

It is a well-known fact that women love it when a man listens to their issues, even when they’re whining. If you have a guy you go to for advice or just a shoulder to cry on, simple word such as “you are a really good listener, and I appreciate that about you” can go a long way in making him feel special. Remember to thank him every time he helps with a pressing matter.


Complimenting His Looks

While this may sound like a cliché, men hardly get as many compliments for their looks as females do. For this reason, you can ensure he knows you appreciate how good looking he is in your eyes by using a simple “you are the most handsome man I know” line. Using the word handsome is more elegant than hot or sexy. This compliment will definitely make him feel appreciated.


Remember To Acknowledge His Good Sense of Humor

One of the best ways to tell that you connect with a guy is by appreciating his jokes and sense of humor in general. If he makes you laugh more often than most people, be sure to make him know that. “I love your sense of humor” or “you have a way of making me smile” are two simple lines that can boost his confidence a lot. In a way, you are telling him that you share a connection and that it is ok for him to let lose when with you. This is the fastest way to build a connection.


Let Him Know You Have Confidence in Him

Letting him know that you have confidence in his skills in different areas is a sure way of boosting his ego. Nothing gives a man more confidence than knowing you trust and believe in him. You can compliment him on anything, from their driving skills to a new accomplishment - “congratulations on your promotion or offer, I knew you were the right person for the job”. This goes to show that you think of them highly and wish for nothing but the best for them.


Compliment His Protective Nature

Men are born natural protectors. This is especially true when it comes to the people they love. It is ideal to remind him that you value him as the man in your life and that he makes you feel protected. Simply tell him “I feel really safe when with you” to let him know that you are proud of his protective nature. This will definitely make him feel twice the man he is.


Praise His Culinary Skills

When it comes to compliments for guys, all women can attest to the fact that there is nothing sexier than a man who goes out of his way to make a meal for his loved one. If he takes his time to make you dinner or breakfast, ensure you let him know how much you appreciate it. “You are truly one in a million, thanks for the meal love” these are simple words than can go a long way in making his effort appreciated.


Compliment His Personal Style

Just like women, men too put a lot of thought in what they wear. If you notice his amazing sense of style, make sure you let him know. Instead of using the usual “you look nice” line, you can go for something more personalized like “this shirt really compliments your abs or muscles” or “I love your shoes, you have such unique taste”. Use these words on him and see how fast you brighten his day and boost his confidence.


Let Him Know You Appreciate Time Spent Together

Some of the best moments in life are those spent with our significant other. If he takes his time off his schedule to spend some quality time with you, let him know how much you appreciate it. Simply say “I love our quiet times together” or “I appreciate us spending quality time together”. This will act as motivation for him to create even more time for you two.


What Is It About Him That You Completely Admire?

While it may seem like the above compliments for guys have this point explained, there must be other personality straits you love about him. It could be his smarts, laughter, smile, eyes, school of thought or even beliefs. Whatever it is that makes him stand out or makes you gaga about him, ensure you tell him.


Wash Away His Insecurities

Most women have something they are insecure about, and guys are no different. Once you learn about the things the guy is insecure about, it is your job to reassure him that he is perfect amidst his imperfection. Let him know that all his pluses and downsides make up the package that you fell in love with. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you” or “I love you just the way you are” are great ways to make him feel complete.

Remember that practice makes perfect. Start complimenting him on different things every day and you will notice how better your relationship gets.


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